Invincible: Viltrumite War, a fictional animated film that that's based off of one of my favorite comic books created by Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker, Invincible. The comic book also happens to be illustrated by one of, if not my favorite artist, Ryan Ottley.

“Create a DVD Cover of your favorite story, be it a movie, book, or even a story you heard before.” These were the instructions given to me by my professor. 
Getting to work on some thing that I really loved got me excited. I got to working as soon as possible. Having read all 144 issues, I chose the most memorable story arc within the books, Viltrumite War. 
Comic books already having covers got me halfway through but a DVD cover isn’t necessarily the same thing as a comic book of her. I downloaded the master image with no text and re-created the title of the comic “Invincible” in the style of the comic and did some image manipulation to have the main character in front of the title. I also added the names of the creators an artist.
Along side the CD Image, I created a digital download paper that comes with the DVD cover in order to stay true to this day and era's love for digitally stored movies.
I also created additional collateral for the “DVD release” Which include a poster, and buttons with the character’s insignias and an Instagram ad to promote the free buttons with the purchase of the Blu-ray DVD.

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